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​​​​​​What is Personality Questionnaire?

Our Personality Questionnaire aims to uncover your unique characteristics and strengths. There are no right or wrong answers as we value diversity and believe in the power of different perspectives. 

By completing this questionnaire, you will provide valuable insights that will help us understand you better and evaluate how your personality aligns with our values and culture.

Important details to know

The questionnaire is typically conducted in the later stages of the recruitment process. You will receive an email from the recruiter with a request to complete the questionnaire. The assessment takes around 25 minutes to complete.
It consists of several sets of statements, each containing four options. You will need to rate each statement on a five-point scale from 'Most Like Me' to 'Least Like Me.' Remember, you can only select each option on the scale once for each group of four statements. 
The questionnaire is available in multiple languages. You can adjust the preferred language from the provided list of options by clicking the "Languages" button. Please note that while the questionnaire can be taken in various languages, the overall experience, including the homepage, welcome video, and report, is exclusively conducted in English

Tips for completing the questionnaire

  • There are no right, or wrong answers so go with your gut feeling.
  • Think about how you would respond in a work-based environment.
  • If you are unsure, choose the response that corresponds closest to how you feel.
  • To resume the assessment where you left off in case of a lost connection, click on the link provided in your invitation email to log back in and continue.

Technical requirements

  • ​​​​Our assessments are compatible on a mobile, tablet or laptop, so you can use whichever device you feel most comfortable with.
  • The following browsers are compatible: the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10 and macOS 10.14+, Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, Safari on macOS 10.14 (Experimental), Chrome browser on Android (Android 8+), Safari on iPhone (iOS 11+).